- Terms of Use:
We don't want to suck all of the fun out of Make Slots by having 10 pages of legalese to go through, but there are a few quick rules that you have to play by in order to use this Web site and the service(s) contained within:
No Adult/Explicit Images:
It's not that we can't see how that might be fun and all, but it's just not the kind of thing we want associated with the site. No nudity (partial or otherwise) please.
No Hate-Related/Racist/Inappropriate Themes:
We don't want to be associated with that either.
No Copyrighted Images or Those Used Without Permission:
Using custom images in MakeSlots creations is a big part of the fun, but that doesn't mean you can use MakeSlots with other peoples pictures. Do not use any images you don't have the right to use, and do not hyperlink to images on other peoples Web hosts that you don't have permission to use.
No Code Alterations/Link Removal:
The generated code that you'll be provided with (to cut and paste where you'd like to share your slot) will contain a little blurb of text underneath linking to and it's sister site. Please do not remove said text.
Please note: While facilitates the creation of slot machines using external images, it does not directly host any of the images used in created games. In order for slot machines created to continue working properly, any external images referenced must remain accessible via http. reserves the right to remove/block any made slot machines without prior notice for any term violations and/or at our sole discretion.
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